Bill Dallas Lewis (Bill the Geek), a YouTube creator from Mazatlan (and U.S. expat), came over to Isla de la Piedra (Stone Island) to meet us and we spent the afternoon getting to know each other. It was a ton of fun and we learned that we had many things in common including learning to create websites at the beginning of the visual internet in the mid/late 1990s.
Was a total hoot and I got to tell our story in the video interview.
Not a word was mentioned about the flapping blue tarps we have outside for shade….that it’s a temp. fix until we have the canopy we lost in high winds replaced….
You can watch other videos by Bill on his YouTube channel or learn more about him via his website:
So good to see where and how you are, Dawn! You look great but I know how tiring traveling can be, even when somewhere as lovely as the beach, so I hope you are taking care of yourselves, getting enough rest and good sleep and all that. I hope you will be reporting on challenges as well as the GLORY of living free ( /on the move ). What is it you like best and least about where you are? Tell us all about it!
Thank you for the kind words, Casey! Yes, for sure, traveling is very tiring…it’s quite stressful on our days on the road. That’s one reason that we only plan 3 hours of driving each day and we stay in many locations for several days or even a week or more.
Mazatlan is a major destination on our itinerary (I visited here back when I was in my late 20s!) and we plan to stay for 2 months! It’s a tourist town but there are more Mexican tourists (even on this “island” we are on) and so when we shop and eat where the locals do it’s quite inexpensive. Also, we are going to be able to address some of our repair issues here…like getting a new awning made and installed!
Thanks so much for your generous contribution! We appreciate that. It’s the slow season for our web & marketing business so we’re definitely tight on funds right now and that $ will go straight into our awning fund!
This is really so much fun living vicariously through your courageous shift from the United States into Mexico. I saw in the video the make-shift awning, creativity like this is very much a part of the spontaneity you have chosen to enter. How much will the awning cost to purchase and install? I shared your interview on theGTC forum board : : maybe we can also say something about the awning fund.🍃
Thanks so much, Casey!
The awning plus a front shade drop down will cost us about $300 for the awning materials plus about $100 for the labor to install them.
We are also going to pay for some additional maintenance on our generator and help we need getting the freon for AC in the truck compartment installed… Much was done on this rig that was aftermarket and kind of jury-rigged so we are feeling our way through the good and bad parts of all that.
We LOVE Helga though…
She’s amazing!
Thank you for the details, Dawn, let’s see if we can help get you at least part of the way there. HELGA!….. what kind of a perfect name is that? I love it!